About ScholarshipsScholarships help students pay for their education. Unlike student loans, you do not have to repay scholarships. St. Philip's College manages a portfolio of endowments and gift agreements from the community and organizations from across the country. St. Philip's College, as part of the Alamo Colleges, awards various types of scholarships to eligible students. Apply for Scholarships:STRADA Scholarship
The Strada HBCU Initiative focuses on investment in the next generation of leaders. This nationwide program will provide leadership development, academic support, and critical social engagement resulting in positive postsecondary learning opportunities that lead to meaningful career pathways for Strada Scholars. Students: Full-Time Freshman |
Resources |
Contact Information
Scholarship Coordinator: Gloria P. Hernandez 210-486-2498 MLK Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 319E |
Scholarship Coordinator: Sonia D. Flores 210-486-2886 MLK Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 319E |
Hours of Operation:Monday - Friday |